Different Piercings for the Nose


Vihaan Disouza

. 4 min read

Nose ring is one of those trends that will always be iconic, no matter how far in the future we look. Nose piercing is a style statement that looks good on both men and women and has become increasingly popular in recent years. You can rock your look and choose from a variety of piercings for your nose, such as piercing your septum, nostrils, or bridge, among other options, if you get a nose piercing. This is one of the best things about getting a nose piercing.

Nostril Piercing

The piercing of the nostril is by far the most prevalent form of facial body modification. This is due to its adaptability, elegance, and suitability for a wide variety of nose structures. The nostril piercing is the easiest of the different types of nose piercings to get done, and it also requires the least amount of aftercare. A traditional nostril piercing allows for the wearing of a wide variety of jewelry, from stud earrings to nose rings and everything in between. It only takes about two to three months for it to completely recover after the injury.

Septum Piercing

Another well-liked type of piercing among celebrities, such as Rihanna, Zoe Kravitz, Willow Smith, and Bella Thorne, is the septum piercing. [Celebrities] like Bella Thorne, Willow Smith, and Rihanna also have septum piercings. Because it goes through cartilage, it could be significantly more painful than a piercing in the nostril. Even though it is associated with a more rebellious look, a septum piercing is versatile enough to complement virtually any style and can be accessorized with jewelry that accentuates the face, such as a horseshoe or a circular hoop.


Bridge piercings are not considered to be cartilage or bone punctures because they are technically considered to be surface piercings. Having said that, due to the fact that they are a surface piercing, they are more prone to migration. Migration is a process in which your body pushes a piercing closer to the skin's surface, effectively healing it away. Since they are a surface piercing, they are more susceptible to migration. In the event that this happens, you should request that your piercer remove the piece of jewelry so that the hole can heal.

Piercing of the High Nostril

A high nostril piercing is performed in the same manner as a regular nostril piercing, but the hole is made higher up on the nasal bridge. The high nostril piercing, as its name suggests, extends further up the nostril than a standard nostril piercing does. A piercing needle with a gauge range of 18-20 and a hollow tip is typically used for this procedure.

Multiple Nostril Piercing

This type of double nose piercing combines the nostril and high nostril piercings into a single design. In a technical sense, you already have this piercing if you have more than one piercing in your nose. A piercing needle with a standard gauge of 18-20 is used for the majority of procedures involving this piercing.

Nasallang Piercing

This double nose piercing may look the same as the Austin Bar, but it is actually a nasallang piercing, which runs through both nostrils and the inner septum rather than the Austin Bar. A piercing needle with a standard gauge of 18-16 is used for the majority of procedures involving this piercing.

The Multiple Nostril Piercing: A Daring and Adventurous Look

A variation of the nostril piercing known as the multiple nostril piercing involves creating two or three holes for jewelry on the top crease of the nostril. This is done in place of a single hole. People have the impression that someone with this type of nostril piercing is more daring and adventurous. The studs or nose bone, nostril screw, l-shaped nose pin, nose hoop, circular barbell, and even captive bead rings are the types of jewelry that are used. Due to the fact that there are now two holes present, the placement of them must be accomplished by a skilled piercer who must exercise extreme caution to avoid striking any nerve structures. The first piercing in a double nose piercing is done higher on the nose than the second one.

How to Determine Which Piercing Is Ideal for Your Nose Shape

As can be seen, there are a variety of piercing options available to accommodate a wide variety of nose shapes. You don't need to be concerned about whether or not the shape of your nose is appropriate for a piercing; all you need to do is figure out what kind of piercing is appropriate for the shape of your nose.Keep in mind that most piercings allow for a great deal of versatility. Particularly, nostril piercings are adaptable to a wide variety of different nose shapes. You shouldn't feel discouraged if the shape of your nose isn't "perfect." There is a good chance that you will be able to locate a piercing that is ideally suited to your body.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Nose Piercing

You shouldn't focus your attention solely on the spot where the piercing will be made; there are other factors to consider as well. You also need to know how long it will take to heal and how painful it will be. Make sure you ask these questions during the meeting that you have scheduled.

It is essential to emphasize that no body piercing is immune to the possibility of infection, despite the fact that certain piercings carry a significantly greater danger. When getting any kind of piercing done on your body, it is absolutely necessary to follow the aftercare instructions very closely in order to lower your risk of getting an infection from the piercing. In order to accomplish this, you will need to use a saline solution to clean the area between two and three times per day.

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